Sunday, July 26, 2020

Four Employer Branding Trends You Need to Know About in 2017 - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Viewpoint careers advice blog

Four Employer Branding Trends You Need to Know About in 2017 - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Today’s employees have less loyalty, lots more choice and most importantly, more power than ever when it comes to the job search process.   Candidates of days gone by may have hoped that they would fit in with their employers.  However, the modern employee wants more. They are more demanding and want to see evidence that a company is also the right fit for them. This new attitude among employees and candidates inevitably leads to increasing competition between brands to attract and retain the best talent, and without doubt, the most effective weapon in this battle is your employer brand. A strong, clearly defined employer brand will not only help you to bring the best talent into your company; it will also be pivotal in your efforts to retain that talent, in the short, medium and long term. What is your employer brand? In my position as the Head of People Management at Hays Germany, I have witnessed many changes in the way that employers approach their employer branding. When I first started with Hays, nearly twenty years ago, the idea of employer branding was new. Now, the concept is a vital commercial and strategic imperative for businesses worldwide. Your employer brand is best defined as the impression that people have of your company as an employer. Finding out what makes your business unique, and communicating that narrative in a compelling way is crucial, and will determine how well your company is able to engage and impress candidates. In the end, today’s candidate wants to feel that sense of synergy between what they stand for and what your company represents, and developing a clear employer brand is central to that process. With the New Year, comes new trends 2017 is fast approaching, and many commentators across all industries are sharing their annual predictions about future trends. Given that I am currently planning for 2017 I wanted to share what I think are some of the most important employer branding trends you need to know about for 2017. 1. Authenticity and personalisation will continue to stand the test of time In the digital age, it can be tough for companies to effectively differentiate their employer brands. Most companies have similar-looking careers websites, and their recruitment social media accounts have a samey feel to them full of images of charity and team events. However, your employer brand must feel authentic and real if it is going to be of any use in helping candidates to make a judgement about whether they will be right for your business.  After all, every company has a distinctive culture and a unique community, so rather than settling for a generic online presence, why not tap into the very essence of your company’s personality? The starting point of building an authentic employer brand is to take the trouble to listen to what your existing employees have to say about your company. In many ways, your current workforce is your secret weapon in developing an effective employee brand.  Take the time to put yourself in your employees’ shoes, whether this is done through focus groups, surveys, meetings, staff conferences or a series of informal conversations with individual staff members. By going through this process, you will find that narratives and themes begin to become apparent, and these can be shaped into a coherent and authentic employer brand. You can even go further here, by encouraging existing employees to tell their story to candidates. Nothing is more authentic than hearing  first-hand from an employee what it is like to work for a company and what that company means to them. Grounding your employer brand in the ideas and stories provided by your existing workforce will give it an unimpeachable authenticity.  It will not be based on theory or what you think candidates would like to hear it will be real. In the long run, this will prove to be the most powerful way of attracting the right candidate to your company. It is also my belief that personalisation is crucial to the modern candidate journey. You need to build on a candidate’s initial interest by offering them a personalised experience, whether this is through your website, your blog, or meeting a member of your company face-to-face. There are many ways you can personalise the candidate recruitment process.  For instance, you can give candidates an office tour on the day of their interview; have them meet not just their prospective manager, but other team members, or invite them to sit in on a meeting as an observer. Personalisation can make all the difference in attracting and retaining the right employees. 2. The rise of the multi-generational workforce will continue to affect employer branding Building on the previous point regarding personalisation, it is important to remember that the modern workforce is more multi-generational now than ever. Generation Z, Millennials, Generation Xers and Baby Boomers now find themselves working in the same teams, side by side. The demands and expectations each of these generations have will vary. What works for one group will probably fall flat with the next. Your benefits and remuneration packages will therefore have to be responsive and flexible to fit with a multi-generational workforce, and when it comes to recruitment, the way they approach your online content will differ. For example, Millennials may respond to Instagram or Snapchat content, but older generations will be more comfortable with a conventional website. 3. The rise of the gig economy will have a huge impact on employer branding No employer branding strategy can afford to ignore wider trends in the workforce. It is clear that as more companies turn to temporary, contract or freelance employees, they will need to change the traditional model of employer branding, which has tended to focus solely on permanent staff. To attract the best candidates from a growing community of temporary, freelance and contract workers, you will have to fundamentally rethink your brand. In the modern workforce, employers also have to take steps to make sure that the company offers a positive experience for candidates and employees, regardless of their contract. One example is to put in place structures to ensure that important company news and information is disseminated consistently to temporary or part-time employees, as well as to full-time employees, ensuring that every member of the workforce feels equally involved in day-to-day business. 4. Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) can revolutionise recruitment 2016 has been the year when VR and AR have entered the consciousness of the wider public, and these technologies are poised to affect every aspect of modern life, from the way we learn to the way we shop. Pokemon Go was just the start! In 2017, it is my belief that VR and AI will begin to dramatically alter the way employer brands are communicated. The technology is already being applied. Deutsche Bahn are using VR to give new recruits the chance to experience a day in the life of a train driver, and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia are using their VR Careers Experience to enhance the candidate recruitment process, adding a new and distinctive element to their assessment centre experience. This powerful technology has many possible applications, from using it to tell the company story, to offering virtual reality office tours or even employing AR such as holograms as part of the interview and recruitment process. However, this might take a little longer than 2017. Now is not the time to be resting on your employer branding laurels Identifying all of these trends and bringing them together, what conclusions can we reach? Well, while brand authenticity and differentiation will continue to be as important as ever, the dramatic shifts in the way that people interact with work, the work environment and the recruitment process, caused by technological and social change, have profound implications for employer branding. In the years to come, challenge and opportunity will be wrapped up together, and the companies that succeed will be those which are best able to use new tools and concepts to shape their employer brand in a dynamic, technologically-driven environment. Hopefully you found this blog valuable. Here are some other related blogs that you will also enjoy: Why you should be encouraging intrapreneurship today How to lead other leaders How to ensure your candidate enjoys their interview Five ways to give staff a sense of purpose How to recruit a purple squirrel (and other hard-to-find creatures) Share this blog:

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Here is how energy drinks can harm our bodies

Here is the means by which caffeinated beverages can hurt our bodies Here is the manner by which caffeinated beverages can hurt our bodies Caffeinated drinks are among the most well-known dietary enhancements in America, yet new examination may make you need to end the propensity for depending on Red Bull and Monster to remain wakeful at work. Caffeinated drinks are loaded up with elevated levels of caffeine, sugar, taurine, and other invigorating substances to keep workers up, yet specialists in Houston found that a solitary caffeinated drink can exacerbate our cardiovascular health.How caffeinated beverages can hurt usFor examination to be introduced at the American Heart Association, John Higgins of McGovern Medical School in Houston and partners got 44 sound understudies to drink a 24-ounce caffeinated drink and found that only one beverage hurt their cardiovascular framework. After members expended the caffeinated drink, their veins' widening diminished to 2.8% in width an hour and a half later, proposing that the blood stream inside their courses had gotten worse.The American Beverage Association keeps up that caf feinated drinks are alright for utilization by government specialists. In any case, a few businesses are cautioning their workers from manhandling them. The U.S. military cautioned troops from drinking them, saying caffeinated beverages could do some genuine damage to your body following a report that discovered warriors who drank them were bound to nod off on the job.When you are chugging caffeinated drinks, you hazard overdosing yourself with caffeine, which is known to cause our bodies and psyches to go haywire. Drinking portions of caffeine equivalent to or over 200 milligrams is known to cause nervousness, sleep deprivation, gastrointestinal disturbed, muscle jerking, fretfulness, and ceaseless every day cerebral pains, as per a paper distributed in the International Journal of Health Sciences.One approach to get more vitality without taking a chance with your corridors? Rest, the extraordinary healer of eager, exhausted spirits. That jolt of energy is free.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Support Someone in Writing a Resume

<h1>How to Support Someone in Writing a Resume</h1><p>You may be searching for a route on the best way to help somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume. There are numerous individuals who don't know about what are the significant things in setting up a resume. A large portion of the individuals discover that they should utilize proficient resume essayists or even recruit experts in the event that they don't have the right stuff on the most proficient method to set up a resume on their own.</p><p></p><p>There are two fundamental reasons why you should bolster somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume. One is that you might need to set it up for the individual who you are giving the resume to. Another explanation is that you will likewise need to ensure that you will compose the resume so that it will have the option to get it saw by the business. On the off chance that you need to realize how to help somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume, you have to comprehend what are the things that you should consider.</p><p></p><p>First of all, ensure that you are not putting your thoughts on the resume. You have to ask your accomplice or life partner to assist you with composing the resume. Ensure that you know your accomplice or life partner well. A portion of the significant attributes that you have to consider before you compose the resume incorporate your instruction, experience, work understanding, aptitudes, and so forth. In the wake of knowing these realities, you would then be able to settle on the choice whether you need to give the resume to the individual who is going after the position or you will simply give it to the applicant.</p><p></p><p>Your accomplice or companion must have the option to see the things that you need to remember for the resume. So ensure that you put the data that you need on the resume in your space. After you have arranged the resume, you will at that point need to check on the off chance that you have incorporated all the essential data. You should ensure that the resume contains the correct data on the aptitude, instruction, and business history of the candidate. This is to guarantee that you can bolster somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume properly.</p><p></p><p>The next thing that you have to consider when you are searching for how to help somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume is to think about the organization. After you have finished the resume, ensure that you don't roll out any improvements or you won't have the option to help somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume appropriately. You have to check if the resume configuration will assist you with utilizing it to discover a business. This is to guarantee that you will have the option to get the business to peruse the resume.</p><p></p><p>If you despite everything don't have the foggiest idea how to help so mebody recorded as a hard copy a resume, you can look at the online resume scholars. Huge numbers of these online journalists are proficient authors who will assist you with composing the resume. These journalists will ensure that the substance that you will compose is on a par with it can be.</p><p></p><p>Before beginning to compose the resume, you have to consider the material that you will compose. For this situation, you have to give your concentration to composing the data that you will be remembered for the resume. To guarantee that the resume is written in the best possible way, you have to think about some significant focuses. The most significant point is that you should ensure that the resume will be seen by the employer.</p><p></p><p>In end, to help somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume, you have to think about the potential errors that you may make. This implies you have to take as much time as necessary to figure out h ow to compose a resume appropriately. It won't be simple yet you will find that when you can compose a resume appropriately, it will assist you with supporting somebody recorded as a hard copy a resume.</p>

Sunday, July 5, 2020

5 Tools Employers Use to Determine if Youre the Right Fit -

5 Tools Employers Use to Determine in case You're the Right Fit - In case you're thinking about changing employments without precedent for some time, or get yourself jobless after numerous years with a similar organization, you may stumble into some amazing solicitations during your activity search. Among the things you may experience: Character tests An ever increasing number of bosses are expecting contender to finish character screenings preceding contribution them an interview. These kinds of evaluations are especially basic in occupations where you would be required to manage people in general on a normal basis. They're additionally far reaching in employments where honesty is central, for example, positions managing cash exchanges. Aptitudes appraisals A great deal of sets of responsibilities require an exhibited fitness in a specific programming system or kind of analysis. Beware this regularly implies the business will test you on these abilities as a component of the meeting process. Sometimes you need to breeze through these assessments before being considered for an interview. For example, I know somebody who was required to finish 60 minutes in length practice test just to apply online for an occupation as a bank employee. Credit checks A few organizations expect candidates to sign a divulgence of their acknowledge report as a component of the application procedure, in any event, for places that don't legitimately manage finances. Many candidates discover this training intrusive, yet sadly there's little path around it, other than deciding to not have any significant bearing at organizations that demand this data. School transcripts A great many people haven't seen a duplicate of their scholastic transcripts in years. If that is valid for you, you might need to consider requesting another duplicate from each college you attended. Some colleges offer informal transcripts for nothing, and these are commonly acknowledged by employers. Some organizations will solicit you to carry duplicates from your transcripts to a meeting so as to validate that you have the degrees you guarantee on your resume. Government ID On the off chance that you endure the meeting procedure and start a new position, you will be required to deliver two types of government recognizable proof so as to begin your assessment paperwork. While a driver's permit is adequate as one type of ID, you'll additionally require your standardized savings card, birth endorsement, or visa as an optional form. If you don't have a clue where any of those things are, presently's a decent an ideal opportunity to arrange another duplicateâ€"before you need them without prior warning a new position. Occupation chasing is a distressing procedure, and it very well may be made significantly more so when you experience boss demands that you aren't expecting. Keeping your own records and documentation sorted out can help diminish a portion of the pressure of the application procedure and meeting process. To make sure about the meeting and proceed onward to the subsequent stage in the recruiting procedure guarantee you're giving yourself the best serious edge accessible by using an expertly evolved resume and introductory letter. Know that you're going up against different competitors who are utilizing expertly arranged reports and those applicants have a 77% possibility of prevailing upon the meeting the individuals who don't use expertly composed resumes. Give yourself the upper hand you merit today and begin getting interviews now. Contact Great Resumes Fast to discover how we ensure interviews and your pursuit of employment accomplishment by visiting us on the web or calling 1.800.991.5187.