Friday, May 8, 2020

Business Travel Must Have Anti-Sickness Essentials Kit for Air Travels - Cubicle Chic

Business Travel Must Have Anti-Sickness Essentials Kit for Air Travels - Cubicle Chic Business Travel Must Have: Anti-Sickness Essentials Kit for Air Travels Health Life, Lifestyle, Travel December 20, 2016 0 CommentsWhether you’re flying for work reasons or going home to see family during holiday season, airplane travel is sometimes unavoidable in this day and age. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I travel a decent amount for work as well as leisure. Earlier this year, we’ve discussed how to dress for airplane travels  and how to keep your sanity during business trip, Now, I want to share with you my secret weapon, ace up my sleeve, and the one and only method that’s TRIED AND TRUE… my “anti-sickness essentials” kit!  The truth is that the airplanes that we travel in are filthy, filthy, FILTHY environments. Yes, they filter the air and yes other modes of public transportation are equally filthy. But there’s something about being in close proximity to the screen in front of you (which has been touched, sneezed on, and been in contact with GOD-knows-what), and being in that confined space for more than 5 hours that amp lifies the effects of the germs. How many of you always get sick from traveling, especially via air? I know I used to. And with the advice of my genius fiancé, I now carry with me these 5 travel anti-sickness essentials. They have again and again prevented me from catching a cold/flu ever since I started using them religiously.Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I happen to use a lot of Target products I think they’re easily found everywhere! Also,  I am not a medical professional, nor do I have clinical evidence that these products are the causative agents that keep you from getting sick. These statements are only based on my experience and what has worked for me.  Let’s look into what they are and what they’re for:  1)            Hand sanitizer â€" to keep YOU cleanIf you’re the type that is always unconsciously touching your face, rubbing your eyes, picking on that unripe pimple (ew…), you need this hand sanitizer by your side at all times.I personally sanitize m y hands (only when I travel, I have to admit) at least once every 2-3 hours when I’m traveling. That means I’m sanitizing my hands when I come out of the bathroom, when I pass through security when I’ve taken my passport back from the customs people, when I’m settled into my seat on a plane. Basically, whenever my hands have come in contact with other things, I sanitize them right afterwards.2)            Sanitizing wipes â€" to keep your environment cleanThis is my special weapon against the germs that you’re practically BURIED in when you’re in a plane. Yes, that includes first class. People go to sleep in those luxurious pods, too, don’t be fooled into thinking they’re cleaner! But for most of us, sitting close to the screen in front of you, arms of the chair, the window next to you, you’re being exposed to alllll sorts of germs left behind by the passenger ahead of you. To combat that, the first thing I do after I settle down and buckle up, is that I take out t he sanitizing wipe, and just wipe the entire around that my hands could possibly touch. INCLUDING the air vents over your head! This is a good habit to get in wherever you are, truthfully, if you want to develop an anti-sickness lifestyle.3)            Surgical masks â€" to prevent breathing in germsThis accessory is not for the faint of heart. And yes, I am recommending it to you poor unfortunate souls who EW ALWAYS getting sick. I am going to be honest in that I very rarely indulge in this practice myself. I tend to do this more on international flights where I am sleep deprived AND buried in germs. Because let’s face it, who’s not going to stare at a person that looks like this?But trust me when I say that in those dire situations where I was forced to wear the surgical masks, it helped me avoid getting sick and combining this with all the other tricks I’ve shared with you, at the very least, gives you complete peace of mind. So it’s ugly, yes, but it’s also a really ef fective cold prevention accessory!4) Immune System Boost â€" keeping you HEALTHYI mean, if this supplement basically tastes like carbonated orange juice, why not? That’s how I feel about taking supplements like Airborne or EmergenC. Yes, in most scenarios you are just making your pee more nutritional than normal (most of the extra supplement you take is excreted in urine because your body doesn’t need it) but if it tastes so good and give your immune system a well-deserved boost for cold prevention, just do it!5) Zinc supplement â€" nipping a cold in the budDespite some controversies about using zinc a remedy, it’s worked for me whenever I’ve felt the early onset of cold symptoms. I take it for about a day or two, and to me it feels like I nipped the cold in the bud. WebMD generally recommends it for shortening the common cold as well.P.S. Please beware that there are other controversies and side effect of zinc supplement when taken in excess. Educate yourself on these side effects before taking them, and remember: moderation is key!Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I happen to use a lot of Target products I think they’re easily found everywhere! Also,  I am not a medical professional, nor do I have clinical evidence that these products are the causative agents that keep you from getting sick. These statements are only based on my experience and what has worked for me.

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